Tuesday, June 30, 2015


My day so far ... started to go to grocery for stuff for tomorrow. Car died while driving, I assume it's out of gas because the gas gauge doesn't work and I never drive my car THEY do. Get the gas can from the trunk, waddle my happy ass a couple of blocks, get gas, waddle back and that's not it and then it was totally dead. Opened the hood like I knew what I was doing, called the car a few names, hit on a few metal parts with a hammer, car started.

By now there's some dumbass dog out in the middle of the road almost getting hit. Turn car off to rescue dumbass dog. Get dog in the car, car won't start. Repeated before technique, car starts, dog jumps out of car, catch the dog again, this time car starts but there are several people approaching and said it was their dog. Ok fine here you go. Car won't start again, dog is back out in street. Catch dog, take it back to where the people are and asked what the fuck their problem was. Anyway they're leaving to go back to Mexico and did I want the dog? I said yes but they had to ask their Dad who was not home. 

They didn't look like they had much money and the dog had garbage breath so I said I would be back with dog food and did they have any other pets? 2 kittens and a bunny. Car started!!! Went home got pet food for them took it back, gave them my number begged to let me take them now. Then I see a dead little kitten on the porch that they obviously just discovered although that kitten had been dead for a while. A girl said a dog must have gotten it. The kittens were too young to be away from their mom. Too many people for me to confront so I left. No more car problems.
Went to grocery, came home to find a dog has gotten hold of my boy triplet cat and he has a hole in his leg. I keep trying to keep them in because the pit across the alley hates cats but he's in his own yard its not his fault although I did go and tell the dog he's walking a fine line and to knock it off. Bottom line my cats need to stay in especially since Momma Cat never came home.

The end.

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