Thursday, January 30, 2014


I just got back from the Social Security office ... AGAIN.

If I knew how to tie a noose, had some rope, and had a high place to jump from ...

This may be a little lengthy but that's never stopped me before.

So as I start out I see 3 police cars on 10th St in front of and blocking something in the road. But you can still get through. At first I thought it may have been a bomb scare but people were standing around there so I wondered what the hell was wrong with the police and why don't they make people stay away? As I get closer, I see what no animal lover wants to see, a small dog had been hit and was dead in the middle of the street and the police were making sure no one else ran over him while they waited for animal control to pick it up I presume. Thank you IMPD for proving you aren't always assholes in my neighborhood.

I get to the SS office, take my number and sit down. Here comes a lady with 2 adult daughters who are obviously mentally challenged and they sit beside me. I'm excited because there's someone I can communicate with. So the girls and I are talking and looking at babies while I help their mother fill out some forms because she can't see very well. We're having fun, getting along until a blind guy walks in with his seeing eye dog.

All hell breaks out. One of the girls gets up and starts kicking the dog and screaming. The blind guy gets PISSED, he can't see that the girls are mentally challenged and he starts yelling at them and tells them to leave the dog alone he's already eaten today and has no interest in them. I'm trying to explain to the girls that the guy is blind and the dog helps him not get hit by a car when he's walking. They're content with that explanation and want to pet the dog then. Blind guy is still obviously pissed so I help him find a seat away from us and try to explain to the girls why they can't pet the dog and tell him what's up. The dog BTW was a beautiful blond Labrador with snow boots on. I wanted to pet that dog sooooo bad but I knew I couldn't.

The SS office is packed full and not one ... single ... person tried to help.

So I get my business done about the same time as the blind guy and he's standing in the hallway and do you think anyone tried to help him to the elevator?

No. So I go to help and I don't know how to direct a blind person so he straightened me out and took my arm because I was basically turning in circles.

The end.

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